Family Activities

Learn to play chess, Checkers,  Origami, Juggling, Balloon Art, Magic Tricks, Card Tricks, Card Games, Cup Stacking, Needle Point, Knit, Crochet, Painting, Drawing, Board Games, Bike Riding, Hover Boarding, Skating, Jump Rope, Pogo Stick, Sand Art, Yoga, Fitness,Painting,

Arts and crafts, Campfires, board games, Jenga, Yo-Yo, Hula Hoop, Bop It, Hangman, Learn some Karate, Pray, puzzles.Play Tic Tac Toe, Rainbow Loom, Charades.

Indoor flashlight book reading, painting nails, playing a sport outside, go on a picnic in your backyard.

Learn to cook, Healthy Cooking, Baking, Snacking, Create Nutritious Smoothies, Make Hummus
Make Guacamole

Yale University has a free class on Happiness

Play online games that drop you on google maps somewhere in the middle of the world & you have to figure out where you are.

I spy with my own little eye something Pink (or any color) in your camera roll.

Easter egg hunt, Scavenger hunt, Gratitude journal

Watch Documentaries, Read Books, Watch How to Videos on YouTube, Gardening, Crossword Puzzles, 

Meditation apps- Calm and Insight Timer.

Learn a new Dance,
Wii Mini Golf, Soccer Golf, Disc Golf,
Scavenger Hunts, Create a new group chat. 
Word Search, Make a Fort/Tent/Tree House, Lego,
Dominoes, Write Poems/Songs/Books. 

Rewatch your favorite sports game, super bowl, World Cup match, NASCAR race .  

Create Tik Tok Videos,
Listen to Podcasts,
Create a Podcast,
Create a YouTube Channel

Learn to Change Filters (Car, House), Learn to Change Oil (Car)

Do some yard work (at home or elderly neighbors), Volunteer for local shelter to walk the dogs.
Make face masks and donate. Paint inspirational messages on rocks and leave them for neighbors. Sidewalk chalk with inspirational quotes.

Spring cleaning closets, organizing drawers.
Sew, knit, crochet, wash cars.

Themed dinner (Mexican, Asian)
Dress up for dinner Fancy clothes, dinner and dancing at home.  Go through old pictures and organize together with the family.  Family games via zoom. Bike ride, family walk.

Drive around take pics .. sunrise —sunset .. all the trees blooming ..can print & frame them

Repaint a room together-learn life skill and home improvement at the same time,
Have kids cook dinner a few nights a week - they choose the menu, Start a flower and/or vegetable garden, Create an area in the yard for birds (feeders, houses, birdbath and keep a daily log of what birds visit - get a bird book to help identify),

Plan a family hike/walk every weekend to someplace new- each family member takes turn at choosing where.

Make an escape room in your house - where they do clues / puzzles to get out .
Putting together a maze with objects around the house to make a ping pong ball get from one side of the house to the other
Sending cards to grandparents.
Virtual field trips *see below

Guess what? in the dark. Each person has to put something in a brown paper bag , food, ball, spaghetti , whatever . First turn out the lights. Then you sit in a circle and pass the bag to your left. Take turns guessing what is in the bag by just feel (you could also use a blindfold).
Scholastic free downloads

Calendar for virtual field trips

Authors reading books on line

Lunch time Doodles from The John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Cooking school

The Met

The Dad Lab

50 Cheap activities for kids

Virtual concert

Virtual tour of Cape May Zoo

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